Make a Payment

If you wish to use a different method of payment please be aware of the number of days it will take to show on your account. You should ensure that the payment reaches your account on or before any payment arrangement due date.


Methods of payment


By phone

01842 756510 (Automated Payment Line)
01842 756440 (Enforcement Team)

You will need to have your enforcement agent reference number and bank details to hand. Payment will show on your account 2 working days from payment.


Online banking

This account number is for electronic transfer only we do not accept cash

You will need to quote the following details
Sort code: 30 95 58
Account number: 23762868

You must quote your enforcement agent reference number on the payment. Payment will show on your account 4 working days from payment.


At your bank

This account number is for electronic transfer only we do not accept cash

You will need to quote the following details
Sort code: 30 95 58
Account number: 23762868

You must quote your enforcement agent reference number on the payment. Payment will show on your account 3 working days from payment.