ABCA test environment / server
AdareSupplier that provides printer & postage services
APIApplication Programming Interface
B&BBilling and Benefits
BABilling Authority
BIDBusiness Improvement District
BRBreckland Council
BroadlandAnother council
CapitaA company
CivicaDocument management system
ClobbaBackend view of all queues, etc
COAChange of Address
CSCustomer Services
CTCouncil Tax
CTBOCouncil Tax Billing Officer
CTCChild Tax Credits
CTRSCouncil Tax Reduction Scheme
CTRSChildhood (Education) and Treatment Review Services
DDDirect Debit
DHPDiscretionary Housing Payment
DPIAData Protection Impact Assessment
DPOData Protection Officer
ECEast Cambridgeshire
EDMSExternal Document Management System
End of YearEnd of Year
ESEast Suffolk
ESCEast Suffolk Council
FDCFenland District Council
FenFenland Council
HBHousing Benefits
HBAAhousing Benefit Accuracy Award
HBOPHousing Benefit Overpayments
HRAHousing Revenue Account
ICTInformation and Communication Technology
LALocal Authority
LALocal Authority / Landlord Association
LTEPLong Term Empty Property
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
POPurchase Order
PO BoxPost Office Box
SMTStrategic Management Team
SN / BSouth Norfolk & Broadland
SNN NotificationStreet Name and Numbering Notification
SPDSingle Person Discount
TelSolutionsSystem to contact residents (SMS reminders, etc)
TMTeam Manager
UCUniversal Credit
UCDSUniversal Credit Data Share
VOVisiting Officer (in the Fraud team)
WSWest Suffolk
WSCWest Suffolk Council