How your Bill is Calculated

The Business Rates bill is worked out by multiplying the rateable value of the property by the appropriate rate in the pound or multiplier, which is set via the Government each year. There is a standard non-domestic rating multiplier and small business non-domestic rating multiplier.

The rateable value of the business property is a value given to it which is generally based on the annual rental income. Certain types of Business Rates assessments are valued differently, such as public house and quarries. Rateable values are not set by council, but by an officer from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA), part of HM Revenues and Customs. For further details of how your rateable value is calculated.

For further details visit the HMRC website.

Annual PeriodStandard MultiplierSmall Business Rate Multiplier
54.6 pence in the pound
49.9 pence in the pound
51.2 pence in the pound
49.9 pence in the pound
51.2 pence in the pound
49.9 pence in the pound
51.2 pence in the pound
49.9 pence in the pound

Email questions about paying your business rates or claiming business rates relief.