Council Tax Support Fund 2023-24

The government has distributed £100 million of new grant funding in 2023-24 for local authorities to support economically vulnerable households in their area with council tax bills.

The majority of the funding allocation has been used to reduce council tax bills for current working age and pension age Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) claimants,

If you are in receipt of Local Council Tax Support or make a successful claim for the first time during 2023/2024 there is no need for you to contact us as the reduction will be automatically applied to your Council tax bill for 2023-24 and you will receive a new bill explaining this.

The payment will show on your bill as 'Government Council Tax Support Fund Payments'.

More information can be found on the GOV.UK - Council Tax Support Fund guidance.

Additional Help With Your Council Tax

If you are in receipt of Local Council Tax Support and still experiencing financial hardship you can apply for an exceptional hardship payment.

To apply online, please visit our online services section of the website, after selecting your authority, click on the 'Apply for Discretionary Housing Payment' button.