Single Person Discount

If you're the only adult (aged 18 or over) living in your home, you can claim a single person Council Tax discount of 25%. This discount is awarded on your main home and not on second homes.

If you want to claim a discount because someone has moved out of your home, leaving you as the only adult, please tell us their new address. This will help us check your claim.

You will not be entitled to a discount if someone has left your home for a short period of time, or intends to return in the future.

If someone moved out of your home last year leaving you as the sole occupier, and you're still paying the full charge, the single person discount will be awarded from the date they moved out, not from the date that you tell us about it.

We may request proof to confirm entitlement or the date from which the award should apply.

You may be entitled to a discount if adults living in the property are exempt from liability for paying Council Tax:

  • If all but one of the adults living at the property is disregarded, there is a 25% discount.
  • If there are two or more adults who are not disregarded, there is no discount.

Apply for a Single Person Discount