Security Warning – Beware of Scams

Council Tax payers are being warned to watch out for a scam that claims to offer them a discount on their Council Tax.

Trading Standards has received reports from people in this area, who have received calls – both in person and on the phone – from people saying they can get them a rebate or a reduction on the amount of Council Tax they pay.

These callers are not from the local council or Anglia Revenues Partnership. They are fraudsters, aiming to get people's bank details, so they can steal money from their account.

How do Council Tax scams work?

Council Tax scams take a variety of forms.

Some callers pretend an overpayment of Council Tax has been made and the overpaid amount can be refunded, if the victim provides their bank details.

Other scammers say they are from the Valuation Office Agency, or from the local council, and claim the victim is eligible for a Council Tax rebate worth thousands of pounds.

In most cases, victims are asked to provide their credit card or bank account details, so the money can be refunded directly into their account.

There are also instances where the caller asks for a one-off administration fee, so the refund can be processed.

If the Anglia Revenues Partnership, or your local council, genuinely plan to pay you a refund on Council Tax, this is done for free – you will never be asked to pay a fee to receive a refund from us.

Anyone who thinks they might be eligible for a refund should contact the Anglia Revenues Partnership directly.

Only the Valuation Office can revalue the property band for your property – again, this is a free service.

Never let anyone claiming to be a council official in your home without checking their identity and documentation. We will always make an appointment, never call unexpectedly and all our staff are happy for you to check their identity.

If you believe a fraud is being committed against you or someone you know, please call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040

Never give your Council Tax number or bank details to anyone who calls and requests them.